Friday, 14 March 2014

The Passing of an Icon


R.I.P. Tony Benn 1925 - 2014

Ian sent me a text at 7:00 this morning with the news that this great stalwart of the Left had passed away.  A profound thinker, powerful advocate of democratic socialism & tireless campaigner for peace & justice,he will leave a massive gap in the movement.
Driving to work, I listened to Diane Abbott as she pointed out that history has vindicated Benn on so many issues, from his early support for the anti-apartheid struggle to his commitment to gender equality. As Dennis Skinner observes this morning, he was a great teacher who sought to influence people "not just in parliament, but outside it too".  This, to me, was one of Tony Benn's hallmarks: he believed that building a progressive, socialist future meant engaging with the "real world" of people, their communities & civil society; that work for change could not be solely confined to parliamentary procedures.
I could go on, and on. But we'll hear plenty over the coming days as his many comrades, friends & admirers reflect on a life well lived.  What I will say is that when I look at this pillar of principled integrity, then turn my gaze on some of the opportunistic shysters in today's PLP, the expenses con-artists, the slippery bandwagon-jumpers, I can only say "not fit to top up Tony's tea mug".
We also mourn the untimely death of Bob Crowe, who knew what trade unions were for, and was a champion of his members & their industry.
Crowe was an atheist, Benn a Christian Socialist. For my part, I like to think that the pair of them are now having a drink with Mandela.

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